1 (800) 639-1553

Free Food Every Month!
The Commodities Supplemental Food Program works to improve the health of low-income persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. Packages include a variety of foods, such as, oats, rice, pasta, poultry, juice, and more! USDA is a once a month food bank for those age 60 and older who meet income guidelines.
To be eligible, clients must be a Maine resident 60 years or older and fall within the income guidelines. For more information on the USDA Supplemental Food Program, log onto their website or contact your local nutrition coordinator today.
To be eligible, clients must be a Maine resident 60 years or older and fall within the income eligible guidelines. For more information on the USDA Supplemental Food Program log onto their website or contact your local nutrition coordinator today.