Adult Day Care Meant No Worries While at Work

As written by Sally Greeley and Susan Hart, daughters of Spectrum Generations Adult Day Care Participant


Caption:  Sally Greeley (left) and Susan Hart (right) posing with their Mom Cecile at Spectrum Generations Adult DayBreak Center at the Muskie Center in Waterville.


One and a half years ago, my sister and I found ourselves in a situation which many of you probably have experienced – taking care of a loved one.  Our Mom could no longer live on her own, so she moved in with us.  We are twins, so we have always shared - and now we shared Mom!  Living down the road from one another made it easier too.

Because we both worked full-time, we needed help.  Mom’s doctor suggested a daycare program.  We contacted Spectrum Generations and they put us in touch with Allison, the Adult DayBreak Program Coordinator at Spectrum Generations Muskie Center in Waterville.  It was a very easy process to enroll Mom in their program.  And if you qualify, there are even programs that are available to help with the cost.

We wanted a program where our Mom would be busy, not just sitting in a chair all day long.  They offered that, and then some!  There were a wide array of activities to meet the interest  and different needs of the clients, such as arts and crafts, daily exercise, lunch excursions (in warmer months), games, cards, bingo, coloring, puzzles, movies, and more.  We didn’t even have to worry about sending Mom with a lunch or snacks because they provide well balanced meals and snacks.

Allison, Tammy and the rest of the staff are caring, loving, and compassionate.  They were like an extension of our family.  We were able to continue to work with no worries while Mom was in their care.  We highly recommend this program to anyone who needs help with their loved one – whether to give you’re a few hours of free time, or while you work.

Words can’t express our gratitude to all the wonderful Adult DayBreak Program staff at Spectrum Generations Muskie Center. 

Addendum: Cecile progressed to the point that she needed more care and was recently placed in a local nursing home. Sisters Sally and Susan have stated they could not have kept their Mom home as long as they had if they didn’t have a place such as Spectrum Generations Adult Day Program to bring their mom to during the day.