Medicare and Insurance

Need Help Navigating the Medicare Maze?

Medicare is the federally funded health care program for people 65 and over, for those who have been receiving social security disability benefits for 24 months, and for those diagnosed with ALS or permanent kidney disease.  Medicare maintains a national website,, where you can find out the most up to date information about your Medicare benefits, rights, and responsibilities.   To enroll in Medicare, or to find information related to Social Security benefits, contact your local Social Security office or go online at

Medicare for Everyone Clinics

Our Aging and Disability Resource Counselors hold ongoing, scheduled Medicare for Everyone Clinics at each of our community centers.  These clinics provide a base of knowledge about Medicare to help you make a better informed decision about your health care coverage choices.  Call your local Center to sign up for one today!


Dear Marci,


My senior center gave me information about different services that can help seniors to save money, including one relating to Medicare. One discussed Medicare Savings Programs. What are Medicare Savings Programs?                                                                                           



Dear Lori,

Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are assistance programs that help to pay certain Medicare costs for people with limited incomes. MSPs can help to pay your monthly Part B premium, and possibly other Medicare costs depending on your income.

To qualify for an MSP, you must meet certain income and asset guidelines in your state, and you must have Medicare Part A, the hospital insurance part of Medicare. If you do not already have Part A, you may still apply for an MSP if you qualify for the MSP that pays your Part A premium. To learn more about MSPs in your state and how to apply, contact your local Department of Social Services, or your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).

If you have an MSP, you will also automatically get Extra Help, the federal program that helps to pay certain Part D prescription drug costs.



Stop Medicare Fraud            

We can provide you, or your group, with information about Medicare fraud – and how to prevent it.  Medicare fraud costs Medicare billions of dollars every year.  It can cost you higher Medicare premiums, deductibles, and co-payments.  Losses due to fraud may also prevent Medicare from offering more services and better coverage.

Your Medicare number can be used to bill Medicare for services and supplies you didn’t need or want, services and supplies your doctor did not order, services and supplies you can’t use, and services and supplies you did not receive.

Our Aging and Disability Resource Counselors can tell you how to protect your Medicare number; how to protect yourself from Medicare Part D fraud; when to suspect fraud and how and where to report suspected Medicare fraud and abuse.

If your group or organization would like a FREE presentation about Medicare fraud and how to prevent it, call our Helpline at 1-800-639-1553 and ask to speak to Craig Patterson, the Senior Medicare Patrol Coordinator.

Helpful Links

Enroll   Your Maine Connection to the new Health Insurance Marketplace.

Stop Medicare Fraud:  New funds available to expand Senior Medicare Patrol Program

ABCD’s of Medicare:  An educational presentation providing an introduction to the complex Medicare system.

Money Saving Benefits Eligibility Factsheets: Eligibility checklist for both single income household, and couple or two person household.    

Medicare Plan Finder: Prescription drug coverage plan search guide.

Medicare Rights Center:  Interactive, free, online resource for Medicare

Maine Bureau of Insurance: Regulates the insurance industry to protect and serve the public.  Find information on Medicare Supplemental, Long Term Care, Individual Group, and other types of insurance available in Maine.  You can also access information about insurance sales representatives, rules and regulations, and filing a complaint.

Consumers for Affordable Health Care:  A Maine-based non-profit organization advocating the right to quality, affordable health care for every man, woman and child.